Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Turning Resolutions into Realities

Today in chapel I preached on setting goals for 2013. One of the problems with making resolutions is that they tend not to last for very long. I have tried to explain the importance of setting goals rather than resolutions and endeavored to support this with several principles and practices. Also, for further reading in the challenge of Bible reading read...

4 Principles

1.      Goals are best accomplished when I see the value of something, and I choose to pursue it.  Acts 20:24   
2.      Goals are best accomplished when I am accountable to someone. James 5
3.      Goals are best accomplished when the value outweighs the difficulty. 2 Corinthians 4:17 
4.      Goals are best accomplished when I rely on God and not my own will power. Phil. 2:12-13   I just have to get this done. Pride can set in rather than humble submission.

5 Practices

1.  Specific – The goal must be clear, not too general, and filled with purpose.

2.  Measurable – How will you determine progress?  How long will you endeavor to do this activity?
3.  Attainable – The goal must be realistic and manageable.  You may need to count the cost.

4.  Relevant – It addresses real needs.  It is going to assist in your primary purposes.

                        5.  Trackable – I must set up interim goals and reevaluate often.

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